BN Bastos Profile Page
BN Bastos

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Bárbara Noronha Bastos
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I am a molecular biologist and a trained Zootechnic Engineer, with personal interest for evolutionary processes, genetics, and physiological molecular networks. My purpose is to analyse combining fields and gather the tools for answering: "how exactly, evolution has been changing the molecular biology of physiological processes until now?" For that, I counted with a heterogeneous training. A B.Sc. in Animal Science and Technology, where I studied the influence of the diet's composition and water quality on the turbot's (Psetta massima) body composition, in a fish farm (2017); A M.Sc. in Molecular and Cell Biology, where I used Drosophila as model to study Regucalcin Evolution and Gene Function at IBMC, i3S (2018-2019). In 2016 I did an ERASMUS+ to Czech University of Life Sciences, in Prague. Currently, I am a 1st year Ph.D. student of BIODIV at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, conducting my research on heterothermy in mammals (with rodents), in BIODESERTS group at CIBIO-InBIO.




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